Super Check Partial Database Files for Amateur Radio ContestingAbout SCP There are contesters out there who can remember every call they have ever worked. For the rest of us, it is all we can do to remember who we worked in the contest just hours before! The Super Check Partial database files provide a list of callsigns used by active contesters. The data comes from Cabrillo logs contributed by contesters themselves. Contributed logs from the past 24 months are used to create the database. These logs are combined and filtered so that they result in a fairly good (but not perfect) list. The files do not contain any QSO data, such as state, CQ zone, Maidenhead Grid Locator, etc. Super Check Partial is a feature that K1EA first introduced in his CT logging software. However, it is now supported by all the major contest logging programs. It enables the use of the database to extend the list of calls that appear in the check partial call window. Used correctly, it can help you more quickly pull a call out of the QRM. Used incorrectly, e.g. to guess calls, it can result in stupid mistakes and significant score reductions. Caveat emptor! The files provided are a set of super check partial databases created using tools developed by Jim, AD1C and Ken, K1EA. The dta files can be used with CT, WriteLog, TRlog, SD, and others. The scp versions of the files are for use with Win-Test and N1MM+. Note: If your callsign does not appear in the latest version of the database and you would like to add it, please send me an email at logs@supercheckpartial.com. I will add the callsign in the next release. However, remember that this is a database of active contesters. The best way to keep your callsign in the database is to make contest QSOs! How to Download Download the zip file to get all of the files, or click on each to download them individually. (Depending on your browser, you may have to right click on the link and select Save Target As...) Master Files (February 2, 2025) Below are files for the main Super Check Partial database. These files are generated from all contest logs donated by the contesting community regardless of mode.
The main database set of files was created out of 47,600,989 QSOs from 170,582 logs. The full data set contained 488,088 unique calls which were filtered to create the master files. A version number has been included in all files in the format VERyyyymmdd. Log Submission Instructions The more logs that are contributed, the better the database. Follow the instructions below to have your logs included:
All files submitted become the property of W9KKN and will be used for the purpose of creating the master call files. If you would like to have your call blocked from appearing in the SCP files, please send an email to logs@supercheckpartial.com as well. Some people have chosen to do this because they don't want others to use assistance in copying their callsign. New versions of the master files are released MONTHLY - usually on the 2nd or 3rd day of each month. Request for call additions/deletions received by NOON Pacific Time (PST or PDT depending on daylight saving) on the FIRST OF EACH MONTH will be included in that month's release. You can view the release history here. If you find busted calls in the master files, or you want to have your call excluded from the master files, please send an email to logs@supercheckpartial.com. |